Tag Archives: chard

Chard: The Leafiest Green

26 Jul

This is our last week of our Rainbow Chard for the summer! To properly bid it farewell we have a delicious, quick prep recipe that can be preserved for those days that you’re missing your dear old friend.




1 pound dry red lentils

1 bunch chard, chopped into 1/2 inch horizontal strips (with veins)

4 small tomatoes, diced

1 yellow onion, diced

1 tablespoon masala dry spice mix (substitute with turmeric and cumin or desired Indian spices)

1 quart vegetable broth

1 quart water

olive oil

Kosher salt and fresh ground black pepper

cilantro to garnish


  1. Add a tablespoon of olive oil to the bottom of a large pot.  Once oil is heated add diced onions and chard.  Sauté with a bit of salt and black pepper for 3 minutes.
  2. Add lentils to the pot with a dash more olive oil. Stir lentils until most are lightly browned.
  3. Add broth, water and tomatoes and bring to a boil.
  4. Reduce the heat to low, cover and cook at a low simmer until the lentils are tender, approximately 35 to 40 minutes.
  5. Once lentils are tender add masala spice, salt and pepper to taste. Stir thoroughly and serve!
  6. This soup can be frozen and reheated for up to a month and still taste as great as the day you cooked it!

FOOD FACT: Chard is considered a super food, meaning it’s chalked full of vitamins, including C, E, and K, and minerals, including potassium, magnesium, iron, and manganese. A stalk of chard a day’ll keep the doctor away!